Sunday, April 25, 2010


When I first looked into moving to Australia I was astounded at how simple it appeared. Being an NZ citizen the moment you walk into Australia they issue you a visa, no forms, nothing! You can organise a bank account online and everything looks pretty much the same as NZ. Then I started to realise the obvious perks to Australia, mainly money and friends. However I have now decided Australia and New Zealand are vastly different, and not to my benefit right now! I have spent many hours scanning call plans, prepaid plans, finding out what words like flag fall mean etc etc. Everyone complains about the telephone services in NZ but the fact is they are easy and they make sense!! I don't understand why Aussie's can't take a leaf out of our book! When choosing a plan you must consider how long you ring for each time, because that will effect whether you pay a higher flag fall or cost per minute. The second thing is everything works out in 30 sec's and seems vastly more expensive than NZ. After considering the myriad of other elements to a phone service, right at the point when you think you have decided which service to go to, you then have a look at topping up. At this point you discover another difference, you might put $20 credit on but you'll get $150, however the catch is it only has a life of 30 days. Finally after reassessing the decision this kiwi decided to meander over to the world of call plans and make sure there was nothing I was missing. At this point I discover that it appears to cost the same amount (or more) to have a prepaid plan and in fact the plans with phones appear to be the same as those without.

Sooo, landline anyone?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

This blogging thing....

Hi everyone,
Yes, I have jumped into the world of blogging.
I'm not a huge fan of this blogging concept. I have a theory that no one actually cares what I ate for breakfast or which tooth I brushed first this morning (or the thought process involved in my decision to blog). Buuut I pretty much suck at keeping in touch with people, so this is my solution.
This is my version of bulk emails, so no you will not receive those ginormous things in your inboxes (by the way if you do write me bulk emails, I love them, they are fantastic and I feel so privileged to receive them!) if you want to know what's going on in my life you'll find it here. Oh, I also like phone calls by the way.

Before I go any further, has anyone else noticed I somehow created three of these things? When I go to my profile there are three Megan's World things. I would really like to have only one of these, so if someone understands this blogger thing......???

As far as excitement goes in my life, I have nearly completed selling my life on trademe. I think I have spent more time replying to emails and stupid questions in the last two days than the rest of my life. My ticket is booked to Melbourne, I have to be at the airport at 4 in the morning!!! I'm guessing no sleep Saturday night, that's what you get for making up your mind a week before. However possibly it is the best time to fly, it is my first overseas move, it does deserve at least one sleepless night!

BTW, the plan is a movie/games/I don't really care what we do night, on the Saturday night. Feel free to come visit sometime after 8 and before 3 if you want to say goodbye and possibly leave with some trademe rejects. Send me a text or email if you want my address.

Next question: are you supposed to sign off on blogs? And what is the official ruling on appropriate ways to sign blogs?