Before I talk about my love interests I feel the need for a whinge. My mp3 players battery died, it takes about a half hour to recharge but so far I have not bothered to go hunting through my cords to find the one to charge it with, because of this everytime I go somewhere I am forced to listen to my cellphone radio. This is not so bad in the daytime except in the evenings the only decent radio I have found runs a love song dedications section. Last nights selection of dedications consisted of a guy who'd just got out of jail whinging about having to be separated from his girlfriend while he was in jail, a guy who bubbled about the "love of his life" for ten minutes and then said he only met her a week ago, followed by a woman who decided to recount the entire demise of her relationship on national radio.
I am also surrounded by a different type of 'love'. The guy down the hall has currently had a different girl over 7 nights in a row. I'm not exactly sure what to say to them when I'm introduced to them, tonight I really was tempted to comment about how I thought she had blonde hair or something of the like.
Anyway now that I'm finished with my whinges I'll tell you about my love. He is absolutely gorgeous, has dark brown hair, a really friendly selection of friends, and he's 2 and a half. In fact I'm in love with all of the children in my group they are all gorgeous. This one made my day on Monday, I'd just got to work, he got off his bed and came over. "Hello, hello. Moreh Margalit, I love you" I can't think of many other jobs when you get hugged just for walking in the door. I've had more hugs in the last two weeks than the rest of my life.
Kids are so loving =D Any school I walk into now there are kids running over to give me hugs and demand if I will be teaching them today lol, it gives me the warm fuzzies