Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pinch and a punch for the first of the month

One month left of winter!!! This morning I was skiting to my parents that it feels like spring already. It was true at that specific time it did feel like spring, it also felt like spring when i walked down to the laundromat. When I left the laundromat it still felt like spring but about 5 minutes into the walk home the wind turned, suddenly cafe umbrella's were rolling on the ground, random lose objects were flying around and anyone with some semblance of a brain had taken cover. Two minutes later the wind brought a new present RAIN! Lots of nice heavy rain! If you can imagine, I am walking down the street holding my laptop case under my poncho, my other hand is holding my skirt, my hair is out and flying in all directions and I am lugging a massive pack on my back. The rain quickly transformed into hail which managed to get down my back and in my shoes. It only lasted 5 minutes tops but I arrived home drenched from head to toe. Literally all three layers of clothing were soaked. Thankfully I took my waterproof pack and my laptop case is waterproof.

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