Tuesday: Long forgotten, I'm guessing work was crazy like usual for Tuesdays.
Wednesday: Also forgotten.
Thursday: This was my last day of the week. The morning I spent being room leader, as usual for Thursdays. Then the afternoon I spent training people to use a computer program. The most crusiest afternoon of my life!! Honestly, I was paid to sit in a chair and tell people what to do. Mel, Sari and I (the full time staff in my room) also went out for lunch, on work, that day. I recall being very chilled as I left work.
Friday: This day felt absolutely nothing like erev Shabbat!!! Rivkah and I managed to find the longest way possible to get to Shira's place. Actually I should say I found the longest way possible to get to Shira's house, the only condition of the trip was that full navigation responsibility was on my shoulders. No I didn't get us lost, we set out to take the short route and half way through opted for the scenic route, meaning we had to take a rather large detour. If you have seen the facebook pics then you already know the detour was completely worth it! We went to Apollo Bay planning to dip our feet and somehow managed to leave an hour later drenched from head to foot.
Finally we arrived at our destination, an hour before Shabbat, 5 hours after we were supposed to arrive.
Shabbat: Everyone who wasn't there you missed an amazing night, Hamayan style davening followed by a beautiful meal. The next day we rolled out of bed at some ridiculously late time, finally we headed off to daven shacharit and found a perfect place overlooking a lake. This was followed by another wonderful meal, and then my highlight.....ANIMALS. I got to see kangaroos, koala's, wallabies, alpaca's, a dingo and a wombat plus a selection of less exciting animals. I got to feed this gorgeous kangaroo and then when I returned to their enclosure one of them (I think the same one) came up and I started patting her neck, then she put her arms around me and stood there hugging me for ages while I patted her neck.
We were welcomed into one of the paddocks with a hongi, alpaca style. As we entered the paddock they came up and put their noses up to our noses. I must say I know which I prefer!!! Bring on the Alpaca version any day!!
Sunday: After Shabbat we made a bonfire, complete with musical instruments and poi (Hmmm this weekend is beginning to sound like NZ).
After a couple of hours sleep we went back into Melbs, as Rivkah had work that day. I arrived home and wasted time until finally I fell asleep. The rest of the day vanished with sleep.
Monday: Work in the morning, followed by canoeing on the Yarra in the afternoon. My canoeing skills leave a little to be desired, for some reason I chose the middle seat in the thing which is double the size of the other two. Meaning any time I lent one way or the other the canoe tended to tilt a little too far, rowing doesn't really work when you're trying to sit dead still on this huge seat. Well at least that is my excuse for not pulling my weight. After canoeing I schlepped back to work for a first aid course. From looking at the book we were given prior to the course I was expecting a very good course, but NZ definitely does it better.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: By now I think you and I are both sick of this day by day thing. So the last three days have passed mostly with me as room leader at work. Mel hasn't been well, and this week she only made it to work on Tuesday. I'm quite enjoying it, although it will be nice to hand the reigns back to Mel, I feel so bossy in charge!!! Tuesday I went out for Dasha's birthday, other than that I've done nothing in the evening thanks to work draining me of all energy.
Also since I'm assuming mostly kiwi's read my rambling I think this is the perfect forum to whinge about my accent. I rang up to order pizza the other day and this is what I got:
Me: "One Spanish pizza please."
Pizza place: "Shemesh?"
Me: "No Spanish."
Pizza place: "Yes Shemesh."
Me:"No, Spaaaaanish."
Pizza place: "Spenish?"
Me: "Spanish."
Pizza place: "What is Spenish?"
Me: "You know the pizza with this and this and this..."
Pizza place: "Ohhhh, SPANISH!!!"
Frustrated me (in my head): That's what I said!!!
Of course that doesn't drive me quite as crazy as the aussies who tell me I am saying words wrong in Hebrew. I agree with them, I am saying it wrong, however so are they. Since when did I have to learn how to speak Hebrew with an aussie accent?
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