Monday, August 9, 2010

Free clothes anyone?

I'm pretty sure when I get up in the morning I put on a normal amount of respectable looking, clean clothing prior to leaving the house. However, recent events have made me question whether perhaps I am actually just slapping on some pieces of news paper or some garbage bags.

Anyone who saw my clothing in New Zealand knows I had a LOT of clothes. There were clothes under the bed (in suction bag things), clothes in the wardrobe, clothes in the laundry hamper, clothes on the floor and yet there was still no room in my drawers. My aunt can attest to my usage of a wardrobe and 2 chests of draws, and that was after I'd got rid of 3/4's of my clothing!

So, here I did feel a little bereft when I realised I would have to wear the same top about once a week. However over the last few weeks my wardrobe has gone forth and multiplied. I have a theory that the community has got together and organised all this clothing for me to ensure I will stop wearing the less tznius newspaper and garbage bag options. Suddenly all these perfectly sized clothes are flying out of no where. Sapir found a recycling bag of clothing a wee while ago (here those sorts of things are up for grabs), then last week one of the mother's gave me a skirt as a present, then comes the weekend and Sapir announces there are more clothes. Basically in the space of a month I have gone from my meager suitcase of clothing (plus the extras Mum brought over) to a full wardrobe, suitcase and draws. I now cannot remember what clothes I have. Usually I decide my clothes before I get up in the morning, it's my motivation to get up :) However this morning I had to stand at the wardrobe and pull everything out to figure out what clothes I own. I am going to guess I now have about 30 or 40 skirts, and somewhere near 100 tops. The worst news is I can't actually keep them all. My wardrobe is going to have to be carefully sorted and many surrendered in about 6 months time. On the plus side if it continues to multiply I could open a second hand clothing shop in my bedroom.

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